"TRUST YOURSELF TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH" Our Decisions are not effecting our life but can affect others. Right Decision on the right time either make you or destroy it. We should think before whenever we are about to make any decision. Because the decision matters a lot. Your decision either make your life or destroy it. Decision made by the heart and decision made by the head is contradictory to each other. Most of the time, people are talking uttering voice of self dought where we find ourselves as trapped by the difficult situation. In these scenarios, we must make yourself calm and take a long breath to calm yourself. This exercise help to relax the whole process of thinking. It will automatically heal you to think better. Most of the time, people are suggested to do yoga daily to heal your mind and it will really work. "LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO TAKE RIGHT ...
Take a deep breath and listen the uttering voice of silence!
We live in a noisy world filled with distractions and there isn’t much room for silence but recently, people have been understanding the value of silence and solitude.
You can find the aha moments that spark abrilliant solution to your problem when you are in silence. Essence of silence is a key to stay away from any kind of distraction. Research has shown that silence helps you make better decisions. People in the study made smarter decisions after meditating for just 15 minutes. While you might not be into meditation, you don’t need to meditate to reap this benefit. Everyone have Busy schedule but you have to keep in mind that you must grab some time for silence. Go to an empty room or maybe even go for aquick walk outside. You then want to focus on your inner thoughts and ignore what’s going on around you. It’s fine to let your mind wander becauseit goes hand in hand with internal focus. Give yourself some silence and you might find your next breakthrough in sight.
You will be happier overall. There’s a lot of philosophies and religions with different views on how to be happy but there are some similarities, especially how they view silence. Silence could be a potential solution to thelifelong question of how does one be happy. If you are more extroverted, you might question how can silence help. When you are in silence or solitude, you areable to go within yourself and examine yourself. The concept is very easy but not a lot of people do it. Some people are just too busy in their day to day lives but the reason why most people don’t do it is because they are afraid of finding the ugliness inside. When you are by yourself and speaking to yourself,you get uncomfortable because you fear what’s inside. If you are resisting the silence and solitude,you might have something that needs to be dealt with on the inside. If you can deal with that, you will be happier. If you don’t deal with what’s bothering you internally, it will continue to bother you. Meditation is one of the best ways to reapthis benefit but if you don’t want to, you can just sit there in silence self reflectingand going within.
You can cut out filler words in conversation. Silence makes many people uncomfortable sothey talk to fill up the silence. Most of them use filler words when talking so that their brain can catch up to what they are saying but the same result can be achieved by pausing. People use filler words such as um and likeinstead of pausing because it seems more natural than pausing. A lot of people are uncomfortable with silence so they rather use filler words than pause. If you can embrace the silence and cut out filler words, you will be able to get your message across better. Research has shown that conversational speechhas short or .2 seconds, medium or .6 seconds, and long or over 1 second pauses. Great public speakers pause for 2 to 3 secondsor sometimes longer. When pausing, it might feel like forever atfirst because we tend to think faster than we can speak but if you keep practicing, itwill feel more natural. The pause shows that you are cool and collected and you still have time to collect your thoughts.
You see the world differently. You are able to view it differently that anyone else. You are able to appreciate your surroundings and interact with them differently. There’s a musician by the name of John Cage who reaped this benefit and wanted to show other people how to so he created a piececalled 4 minutes and 33 seconds. The song is simply 4 minutes and 33 secondsof silence. Cage didn’t make it as a joke though. What Cage was really after was so the audiencecould listen to the sounds of the world with the same attention they would normally devote to a music piece. The piece was played in the Maverick Concert Hall where there are walls open to the outside. The audience was able to listen to the soundsof the outside world during the 4 minutes and 33 seconds. By being silent or embracing the silence,you are able to be more aware of what is going around you and observe the world better.
You are more creative. Quiet people are usually creators in someshape or form because that is how they best express themselves. Creative ideas and innovative skills to creare something will help you to embrace power of silence. This isn’t to say that someone more extroverted isn’t good at writing, art, or creating videos. Someone more extroverted might be just as good but their work might show their outgoing personality more than their creativity. Even if you are more extroverted, you canstill be more creative by being more silent. The reason why quiet people tend to be morecreative is because when they have some solitude, they let their imagination run wild. They visualize a lot which helps with theircreativity. Having some alone time will help you be more creative.
You become more humble. You know the quote that says work hard insilence and let success make the noise? It’s the quiet people who tend to work hardin silence and let success make the noise. Quiet people also tend to be more humble becausethey have more self awareness and they understand themselves and their weaknesses better. Being more humble is like a side effect ofthe other benefits of being silent in a sense because someone that is more quiet doesn’talways have to be humble. Regardless of that, if you can embrace silenceand solitude, you can be more humble, which in turn, will make you more like able and approachable.
You can find the aha moments that spark abrilliant solution to your problem when you are in silence. Essence of silence is a key to stay away from any kind of distraction. Research has shown that silence helps you make better decisions. People in the study made smarter decisions after meditating for just 15 minutes. While you might not be into meditation, you don’t need to meditate to reap this benefit. Everyone have Busy schedule but you have to keep in mind that you must grab some time for silence. Go to an empty room or maybe even go for aquick walk outside. You then want to focus on your inner thoughts and ignore what’s going on around you. It’s fine to let your mind wander becauseit goes hand in hand with internal focus. Give yourself some silence and you might find your next breakthrough in sight.
You will be happier overall. There’s a lot of philosophies and religions with different views on how to be happy but there are some similarities, especially how they view silence. Silence could be a potential solution to thelifelong question of how does one be happy. If you are more extroverted, you might question how can silence help. When you are in silence or solitude, you areable to go within yourself and examine yourself. The concept is very easy but not a lot of people do it. Some people are just too busy in their day to day lives but the reason why most people don’t do it is because they are afraid of finding the ugliness inside. When you are by yourself and speaking to yourself,you get uncomfortable because you fear what’s inside. If you are resisting the silence and solitude,you might have something that needs to be dealt with on the inside. If you can deal with that, you will be happier. If you don’t deal with what’s bothering you internally, it will continue to bother you. Meditation is one of the best ways to reapthis benefit but if you don’t want to, you can just sit there in silence self reflectingand going within.
You can cut out filler words in conversation. Silence makes many people uncomfortable sothey talk to fill up the silence. Most of them use filler words when talking so that their brain can catch up to what they are saying but the same result can be achieved by pausing. People use filler words such as um and likeinstead of pausing because it seems more natural than pausing. A lot of people are uncomfortable with silence so they rather use filler words than pause. If you can embrace the silence and cut out filler words, you will be able to get your message across better. Research has shown that conversational speechhas short or .2 seconds, medium or .6 seconds, and long or over 1 second pauses. Great public speakers pause for 2 to 3 secondsor sometimes longer. When pausing, it might feel like forever atfirst because we tend to think faster than we can speak but if you keep practicing, itwill feel more natural. The pause shows that you are cool and collected and you still have time to collect your thoughts.
You see the world differently. You are able to view it differently that anyone else. You are able to appreciate your surroundings and interact with them differently. There’s a musician by the name of John Cage who reaped this benefit and wanted to show other people how to so he created a piececalled 4 minutes and 33 seconds. The song is simply 4 minutes and 33 secondsof silence. Cage didn’t make it as a joke though. What Cage was really after was so the audiencecould listen to the sounds of the world with the same attention they would normally devote to a music piece. The piece was played in the Maverick Concert Hall where there are walls open to the outside. The audience was able to listen to the soundsof the outside world during the 4 minutes and 33 seconds. By being silent or embracing the silence,you are able to be more aware of what is going around you and observe the world better.
You are more creative. Quiet people are usually creators in someshape or form because that is how they best express themselves. Creative ideas and innovative skills to creare something will help you to embrace power of silence. This isn’t to say that someone more extroverted isn’t good at writing, art, or creating videos. Someone more extroverted might be just as good but their work might show their outgoing personality more than their creativity. Even if you are more extroverted, you canstill be more creative by being more silent. The reason why quiet people tend to be morecreative is because when they have some solitude, they let their imagination run wild. They visualize a lot which helps with theircreativity. Having some alone time will help you be more creative.
You become more humble. You know the quote that says work hard insilence and let success make the noise? It’s the quiet people who tend to work hardin silence and let success make the noise. Quiet people also tend to be more humble becausethey have more self awareness and they understand themselves and their weaknesses better. Being more humble is like a side effect ofthe other benefits of being silent in a sense because someone that is more quiet doesn’talways have to be humble. Regardless of that, if you can embrace silenceand solitude, you can be more humble, which in turn, will make you more like able and approachable.
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